Advisor Marketing Aids
BMG Group Inc. has a full array of advisor marketing aids that can be used during conversations with your existing and potential new clients. BMG advisors are welcome to request some of these advisor marketing aids, at a nominal fee.
As per National Instrument 81-105 of the Mutual Fund Sales Practices, we may pay, to a participating dealer, direct costs incurred by the participating dealer relating to sales communication, investor conference or investor seminar prepared or presented by the participating dealer. In order to do so, a Cooperative Marketing Pre-Approval Request Form must be completed and submitted.
BMG Cooperative Marketing Pre-Approval Request Form
This form is to be completed and returned to Bullion Management Group – Attn: Sales
For information on our Low Load Deferred Sales Charge Programs please view our BMG Funds Fact Sheet.
These guides are convenient, one pager’s showing all fund classes.
BMG BullionFund Information Sheet
Marketing Client Letters
Marketing Client Letter – Version 1 – COMING SOON
Marketing Client Letter – Version 2 – COMING SOON
The Case for BMG Funds
BMG is happy to customize the one-pager if you so chose. The following information is required to complete your request:
- Advisor name
- Company name
- Company address (please include city, province and postal code)
- Telephone and fax number
- Email address
- Website (if available)
- Company logo – to be provided in EPS, JPG, GIF or TIFF formats. Please ensure all files are as high resolution as possible.