Take Action This RRSP Season and Enhance Your Portfolios with BMG Group Funds

Diversification is necessary to achieve a balanced investment portfolio. It allows the negative performance of some investments to be cushioned by the positive performance of others. Diversifying your clients’ assets among stocks, bonds, cash and precious metals is a sound strategy. A well diversified portfolio is constructed to withstand surprises and perform well across different types of economic environments. Enhancing your clients’ portfolio helps them to avoid wild, gut-wrenching swings in value, especially in periods of poor stock returns. The addition of precious metals to a diversified portfolio can enhance returns and reduce risk over time.
Gold is a unique asset, valued by savers and investors around the world for its prized investment characteristics. First, gold is highly liquid so it can be easily bought and sold. Second, gold itself has no credit or counterparty risk, unlike shares, bonds and savings accounts. Third, gold acts as a diversifier due to its low correlation with other asset classes. In addition, it protects investors’ money against inflation and currency depreciation because it is not tied to any monetary authority. These factors combined mean that including gold in a portfolio can diversify overall risks.

BMG Mutual Funds set the gold standard in offering you the absolute security of insured bullion stored on an allocated basis. BMG Mutual Funds are a cost-effective, convenient method of owning precious metals bullion, without compromising any of the fundamental attributes of bullion.
The following promotional materials are to support you in educating your clients on the benefits of an allocation to precious metals bullion for their portfolios.
This promotion is designed to help advisors increase their business and their clients contentment:
- Increase rate of return and minimize losses
- Reduce client statement shock
- Increase client retention and referrals
- Tightened compliance
- Up to 5% upfront, 1% trailer*
*Only applies to Class A units
BMG Funds offer numerous benefits for your clients’ portfolios:
- Protection against global financial uncertainty
- Diversify portfolios and maximize wealth preservation
- BMG Funds do not invest in shares of mining companies, certificates, pooled accounts, closed end funds, ETFs or derivatives or bullion proxies of any kind. BMG Funds only buy physical bullion
- Secure transparent method to hold physical bullion
- Purchase real bullion for as little as $1000
- RRSP and TFSA eligible
- Stabilize portfolio and mitigate downside risk
BMG Funds also maintain the Fundamental Attributes of Bullion:
Liquidity: BMG Funds are open-end mutual fund trusts that can be purchased and redeemed daily at Net Asset Value (“NAV”). As a result they have the same liquidity as bullion itself.
No Counterparty Risk: BMG Funds own the bullion outright, with no dependency on third parties and no possibility of third part claims.
Independent of Management Skills: BMG Funds have a fixed policy mandate that cannot be varied without unitholder approval. BMG Funds track the price of bullion and not the trading skills of a portfolio manager.
Promotional Marketing Materials
This client letter is to assist you in helping your clients understand the benefits of owning bullion in their portfolio. Feel free to customize it as you see fit. We provide the copy necessary to talk about the funds.
Client Letter (Word version)
BMG is happy to customize your client email / retail ad if you so chose. The following information is required to complete your request:
- Advisor name
- Company name
- Company address (please include city, province and postal code)
- Telephone and fax number
- Email address
- Website address (if available)
- Disclaimer if required
- Company logo – to be provided in EPS, JPG, GIF or TIFF Formats. Please ensure all files are as high resolution as possible
Once this information is received, we will provide you with both a JPG and High Quality Print PDF document via email for your use.
This is a generic client email that you can use right away to help kick-start your campaign while we customize your very own version.
BMG is happy to customize your client postcard if you so choose. The following information is required to complete your request:
- Your message – up to 100 words
- Advisor name
- Company name
- Company address (please include city, province and postal code)
- Telephone and fax number
- Email address
- Website address (if available)
- Disclaimer if required
- Company logo – to be provided in EPS, JPG, GIF or TIFF Formats. Please ensure all files are as high resolution as possible
Once this information is received, we will provide you with 25 digital postcards that you can then send out to your clients.
BMG Fund Performance Overviews
BMG BullionFund
Exclusively purchases real gold, silver and platinum bullion.
View Performance Overview
BMG Gold BullionFund
Exclusively purchases real gold bullion.
View Performance Overview
BMG Silver BullionFund
Exclusively purchases real silver bullion.
View Performance Overview