Price & Performance

US Investors | International Investors

Price & Performance for BMG BullionFund,
BMG Gold BullionFund and BMG Silver BullionFund

Canadian Investors


  • For daily price information, please click on the Fund and Class you are interested in.
  • Daily change, MTD and YTD performance values as of the most recent NAV.
  • Compounded Annual Returns are for periods greater than one year.
  • Since Inception is calculated using Total Returns

Overview Performance
As of February 5, 2025, values in USD

BMG Silver BullionFund – Class D USD

BMG Silver BullionFund provides investors with a convenient way of holding physical silver in bullion form.

BMG Silver BullionFund provides a convenient way of buying and holding physical silver in bullion form. BMG Silver BullionFund’s fixed investment policy requires it to purchase only silver and to hold minimum of 95 percent of its assets in bullion. No derivatives, futures contracts, options or certificates are used, and does not rebalance its holdings or attempt to time the market.

As a result, BMG Silver BullionFund’s assets are not dependent on anyone’s promise, representation or ability to perform. BMG Silver BullionFund’s assets are not someone else’s liability.

Performance Overview Sheet

Fund Objective

BMG Silver BullionFund is an open-end mutual fund trust that purchases unencumbered silver bullion and stores it on an allocated and insured basis. BMG Silver BullionFund’s objective is to provide a secure, convenient, low-cost, method for investors to hold silver bullion as part of their portfolio for capital preservation, capital appreciation, portfolio diversification and portfolio hedging purposes against the volatility of other investments.

Fund Strategy

No derivatives, futures contracts, options or certificates are used. The maximum cash component is five percent. The fund invests in a responsible manner and adheres to the “criteria for responsible investing.”

Risk Level:

This risk rating of the Fund is in accordance with a standard risk classification methodology based on how the fund’s returns have changed from year to year as a stand-alone investment.

See the Fund’s Simplified Prospectus, for more information about the risk rating and specific risks that can affect the fund’s returns.
The BMG Silver BullionFund is not intended to be a stand-alone investment, and should not represent more than 20% of an investor’s overall total investment portfolio including any other bullion investments. Due to the fact that silver bullion typically has a low correlation to other financial assets, including it as part of a portfolio should generally reduce the portfolio’s volatility and may improve portfolio returns over the long term.

Quick Facts  
Date of Inception January 16, 2018
Net Assets $20,417,378
Assets – Class D $3,241,587
MER 2.09%
NAV per unit $12.43
Fund Code* BMG470
*Available in Class A, B, C, D, E, F, G and I. Consult your advisor to determine which class is appropriate for you.

Minimum Investment $1,000
Management Fee 1.25%
Commission None
Subscription daily
Redemption daily
Fund Type open-end

Back Office  
Auditor RSM Canada LLP
Legal Counsel Bennett Jones LLP
Trustee BMG Management Services Inc.
Custodian Bank of Montreal
Administrator RBC Investor Services Trust